Friday, January 15, 2010

Is Doctor Who cool yet?

Doctor Who Magazine gave me a giant poster of the Eleventh Doctor, which I put on my door. I mainly did this to annoy my flatmate who thinks Matt Smith is ugly (I initially put it on his door). Point is, it was the most fanboyish sight I have beheld since I made the mistake of attending Whovention 2003. It made me wonder whether things have improved for my kind since the dark days of my teenage years.

Lest we forget, in its early days Doctor Who was the shit. In 1965, considered by some to be the height of series' popularity, kids were talking about it in school, everyone wanted a Dalek for Christmas, and outgoing producer Verity Lambert was leaving as her legacy a hit show that was being sold to 44 countries or something. Doctor Who wasn't a nerd thing in its early days. It was a groundbreaking series that collided the mundane with the ultra-modern, and histories of the period list it, along with the Beatles and the Bond films, as one of the defining